Advisory Board

Welcome to Danemill's Advisory Board

At Discovery Trust the Board of Trustees (sometimes known as the board of directors or governing body) is ultimately responsible for governance of the schools in the trust and is accountable for their performance. To support effective governance and oversight, the Board has delegated governance function to be carried out through committees, locally through each school Advisory Board and through the central executive team.

The School Advisory Board has a key role in influencing the direction of the school by offering their experience and expertise to strengthen the decision-making process to support the strategic development of the school and ensure it is meeting the needs of the children. The functions of the Advisory Board are set out in the Trust Scheme of Delegation which sets out the requirements of the Trust and details where the Trustees delegate governance functions locally.

The Advisory Board has a range of responsibilities:

  1. Supporting good governance of the school.
  2. Safeguarding and promoting the values of the school.
  3. Supporting the Headteacher of the school and being a critical friend.
  4. Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching and behaviour and safety.
  5. Supporting effective financial governance.
  6. Engagement with the school’s key stakeholders e.g. parents/carers, pupils and staff.

The Advisory Board consists of parents, staff and community representatives; the Headteacher is a member of the Advisory Board by virtue of their office. Community Members are appointed by the Advisory Board and are people, who in the opinion of the Advisory Board, have the skills required to contribute to the work of the board; Parent and staff members are elected to the board by the parent and staff body respectively.

Advisory Board Members 2023-2024

Laura HackettHeadteacher (ex-officio)
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 3/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: n/a
Darren GunterElected parent member & Chair
Term of Office 21.1.22-20.1.25
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 3/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: 4/4
No business interests declared.
Rose CarterElected Staff member
Term of Office 4.9.23-3.9.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 3/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: n/a
Business interests declared 4.9.23: Son is pupil at Danemill; mother is staff member at Danemill,
Ravinder SaundAppointed Community member
Term of Office 7.9.23-6.9.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 2/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: 3/4
Owner/manager RS Legal Recruitment since Jan’23  declared 31.8.23
Pranav ChadaAppointed Community member
Term of Office: 28.4.23-27.4.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 0/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: 1/1
No business interests declared.
 Kat HowardElected Parent member & vice-chair
Term of office 18.3.23-17.26
Attendance at AB meetings 2023-24: 3/3
Attendance at AB meetings 2022-23: 1/1
Exec Director of School Improvement, Core Education Trust since Sept’23; member of the Chartered College of Teaching since Jan’21; NPQ assessor with Ambition Institute since Nov’21; Expert Advisor, TDT Professional Learning since Sept’20; Community planning committee, CST since Sept’20; Visiting Fellow, Aston University since June’23; Programme Advisory Group member, National Institute of Teaching since April’23; CEO, LitdriveUK since June18 declared 14.9.23

Scheme of Delegated Authority

Get In Touch

If you have a passion for improving outcomes for children and would like to use your skills and expertise to contribute to the governance of our schools please get in touch by contacting the Trust Central team c/o

You can contact our Chair of the Advisory Board, Darren Gunter, directly at or via the Trust Clerk

Board meeting minutes are available on request. Requests should be directed to the Trust Clerk